- I have one friend who is difficult to say the least to eat out with. He has a problem with dairy. He didnt know it till he turned 32 and now his life has changed for the better because of it. Again...I never thought I had problems with dairy. I ate ice cream, milk, and cheese for years. Surely I had no IBS or problems with dairy. Well I had heard Tony Horton say that if you really want to cut...to cut the dairy. Dairy is a growth promoter. Which is why we drink it as kids. So if you want to pack on the pounds have some dairy. What sorts of problems does it cause. Well again I tested myself out to see what if any problems I had with dairy. I removed it for a month. Then gradually reintroduced it back. Had one glass for a couple days. No problems. YAY!...I can have my dairy. Next week I would have two glasses at a time. Still no problems that week. The week after. I tried to goto 3 glasses and boy what a mistake. My stomach was in agony. I had such bad cramps and pains. NO!  Now I have issues with dairy. Well hold on there....for days I was fine. So what was it about dairy that caused me the issues. Reading online I found 2 things. One is the casein in it. Some people have issues with the protein. THe other is the Lactose where the human body cant break down the milk surgar fast enuf. Well what was it for me. Well the first thing I did was switch my milk to organic. That didnt help. Next was lets try A2 type of milk which comes from a different cow and is hard to find. Nope....still the same issues if I went above 2 glasses a day. The third option was raw unpasturized non homoginzed milk strait from the cow. THat was extremely difficult to find. But to no avail...past 2 glasses and I was in agony. Under that set amount. I was find. So my last option was Lactose Free milk. Never had it before...didnt know much about it. Found some and gave it a try. Seem they put an enzyme called Lactase in it to help break down the sugar from Lactose. It makes it taste sweeter and is suppsodely better for digestions. Well Im happy to say that after 2 days for drinking a ton of Lactase milk. Every thing is fine. Seem I have a mild senstaivity to milk. I have found ways around it and it hasnt disrupted my life much. I never drank that much milk in the past. Ice cream was my vice but there is coconut ice cream or I just have to not eat a whole container at one sitting which Im not planning on doing anymore anyways.


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